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Ours Is A Love Story!

When Meg first moved East she was on the hunt for her next yacht – one that would take her offshore and around the world.


Out on the harbour one day Meg spotted a beautiful Bowman 47 sitting out on her mooring. Meg excitedly remarked to her friend that this was just the vessel she was looking for, so asked if he knew the owners, if they sailed her much - and of the possibility that they might sell.


The answer was a very definite no, that the owner loved his yacht and that Sarean would not be for sale.






Darren couldn't believe his luck when he met Meg - a salty lass who really knew

her stuff - with the passion and sass to get them moving on the journey

of their dreams. 


After meeting her, he heard that she was down in Noosa staying on a houseboat for the summer - so he promptly drove down there to tell her that she was much better suited to a life on the ocean, than being trapped on a river.


When she arrived back up for a weeks sailing adventure, he saw her standing on the jetty and knew that he didn't ever want her to leave.


And so a love story was born.  They promptly made plans to combine their resources and go live the life that brings them such incredible joy!


The Ships Crew!

                                                                     An Aussie








​I am:   An adventurer at heart.  I guess I don't mind taking a bit of a risk – to an acceptable level for me at least, whatever that may be at the time.


Resourceful and mechanically minded, I am a Mr Fix-it rather than a Mr Replace-it.  It challenges me and fits with my desire to re-use and up-cycle.


I have lived aboard for over 20 years.  Initially it was fishing as a young lad that got me onto the sea.  Later on, I realised fuel was expensive and thought sailing would be a great way to get out to a fishing spot - however powered by the wind.


I was inspired by Alby Mangles.  He was one of the very few people at the time who was doing an adventurous TV documentary.  Next thing you know I'm sailing my own boat.


I enjoy the freedom and simplicity of life on board.  Even though it's simple, there is still skill involved, so I am challenged on a regular basis.


I have sailed the Eastern Seaboard of Australia about a dozen times.  I took off across the Gulf of Carpentaria for a while - and have adventured out to the Louisiades and Papua New Guinea, where I was struck by the raw and untouched nature that still existed in a place long inhabited by humans - of people living in huts, and living off the land.  A place where people and nature exist in harmony.


This next phase is very exciting for me, the timing is right for a big adventure for both Meg and I.  We have a great blue water vessel, which is set up to go for long term voyaging now - and we have the combined experience to make it is easy on each other.


Things I've Learnt:   Some times you just have to let go.  You can't be in control of the whole trip all of the time – especially if you're doing it solo.  You're in the lap of the gods when you can't run a 24hr shift.  You just have to let the ship do her own thing – and trust that a good ship will look after you.  I guess that is one of those acceptable levels of risk I was talking about earlier.




  • Fixing stuff

  • Off road biking

  • Taking the road less traveled














                                                                                                                  A Kiwi










I am:    Where the Mermaid symbolism comes from.  Being on the ocean brings me more closely connected to the environment and to my Self.   It awakens my spirit, and connects me to my intuition and creativity.  Every moment I am in tune with the weather, boat movement, the noises of nature, sea life and the environment - we are utterly immersed in it.   Moments.   Are my beautiful reality.


I have worked and sailed upon the ocean blue for many years.  Up and down the East Coast of New Zealand, parts of the South Pacific, the Andaman Sea - and more recently Australia, where met 'my honey'.


My friend Ian, who gave me the 'Jack of Diamonds' to race, told me “if you can sail a Diamond – you can sail anything”.  Boyo do those words ring true!   If you ever get the chance, race on a Diamond one day.


About Authenticity:   The sea heals me and re-charges me.   The ocean, it tests you – you cannot be anyone else than yourself out there, and you discover more about yourself every day.


I too love the simplicity of life on board.   It comes with it's challenges – however they are far outweighed by all manner of wondrous experiences.  I love that we create our own power and have a very low impact on the environment.  I also love that we take our home with us wherever we go, in a time frame that we choose.


Regarding Life Purpose:   I personally, would like to share our experiences of other cultures and places, show people ways in which they can live a more sustainable life.   Educate people about what's actually going on with our oceans and how that affects the planet we live in.   In a world quite materialistically focused, I hope to show people the joys in living simply.   Some call us 'Alternative Types'.   I believe we should encourage 'Alternative' to be the norm.


I am also big on creating and living the life you want.  A life that brings you joy.  What else are we here for, if not to create and share happiness?   I hope that through sharing our adventure we may inspire others to live their dreams also.




  • Well being

  • Destinations unknown

  • Sustainable Living

  • All things water

  • Creating Laughter

















                                                                 The Worlds Best Sailor-dog   

                                                                 (In memorium of a life well lived!)









I love everything!   I have lived much of my life on board and I love the ocean, swimming, paddling.  Anything involving my Mum.   Food, I love food!   Sleeping - I am a Master - but you bet, anytime you go near the fridge door, I'll be there.  I love the fridge.        


I love to sing.  Some call it snoring.  Boy I can sing!   Coconuts.  I can de-husk a coconut in under 10-minutes. 

I love coconuts.  I like to try to dig to China quite often.  Mum says it might be easier to sail there.  Water.  It transforms me.  I am at once a dolphin, a seal, a Mer-dog.  I can swim for hours.  I usually follow Mum.  She is a Mermaid.  I can dive for things.  I can seal my ears.  I am amazing.  I am a Cocker Spaniel you know.


Things I've Learnt:   Love everything.  It makes life simple! 


*** except for the time I really loved the bottom half of a hamburger that a little girl was carrying in her hand. I probably could've loved that a little less!


We move according to our desires and the seasons.  If we find a gorgeous anchorage, or somewhere curious - we might just hang for a bit. 


Keep track of our movements no matter where we are in the world   via our Live Tracking service.



If you know of a festival, an event, an island or location that is not to be missed, we want to hear about it!  


Drop us a line via our social feeds - and let us know what you’re thinking.  We just love an adventure!



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